Gordon Brown CppCon 2019

CppCon 2019: Gordon Brown “Efficient GPU Programming with Modern C++”

Designing a Unified Interface for Execution - Gordon Brown [ CppCon 2017 ]

Heterogeneous Programming in C++ with SYCL 2020 - Michael Wong & Gordon Brown - CppCon 2020

CppCon 2018: Gordon Brown “A Modern C++ Programming Model for GPUs using Khronos SYCL”

CppCon 2016: Gordon Brown & Michael Wong “Towards Heterogeneous Programming in C++'

clang-misexpect - Managing your __builtin_expect(ations) - Paul Kirth - CppCon 2019

CppCon 2019: Michael Price “A Critical Look at the Coding Standards Landscape”

Unit Testing: Prefer Children Over Friends - Michael T. Starks - CppCon 2019

Committee Fireside Chat - CppCon 2019

test_resource: The pmr Detective - Attila Fehér - CppCon 2019

The Truth of a Procedure - Lisa Lippincott - CppCon 2019

How to Herd 1,000 Libraries - Robert Schumacher - CppCon 2019

CppCon 2019: David Stone - Removing Metaprogramming From C++, Part 1 of N: constexpr Function Params

SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries - Gordon Brown - Meeting C++ 2016

CppCon 2019: Nick Uhlenhuth “Upgrade from 'permissive C++' to 'modern C++' with Visual Studio 2019”

CppCon 2019: Mateusz Pusz “Rethinking the Way We Do Templates in C++”

CppCon 2019: Michael Spencer “Building Modules”

Pattern Matching: A Sneak Peek - Michael Park - CppCon 2019

CppCon 2019 - Modern C++ Design Patterns

Compiled C++ Coding Standards - Valentin Galea - CppCon 2019

23 Ranges: slide & stride - Conor Hoekstra - CppCon 2019

CppCon 2017: “C++17 ParallelSTL: A Standardization Experience Report for CPU and GPU on SYCL”

CppCon 2019: David Olsen “Faster Code Through Parallelism on CPUs and GPUs”

An Introduction to hpxMP... - Tianyi Zhang - CppCon 2019